If you’re looking for information about ITI Results, here are the general details and steps to check your result:

ITI Result
NCVT MIS Results Information
www.NCVT Online.site :इस website में आईटीआई परिणाम ऑनलाइन जांचने के चरण: आधिकारिक आईटीआई परिणाम पोर्टल पर जाएं: एनसीवीटी परिणाम के लिए: एनसीवीटी एमआईएस पोर्टल। एससीवीटी परिणामों के लिए: अपने राज्य की आईटीआई वेबसाइट (जैसे, महाराष्ट्र, यूपी, बिहार आईटीआई पोर्टल) देखें। “परिणाम” अनुभाग पर जाएँ। अपना क्रेडेंशियल दर्ज करें: रोल नंबर/पंजीकरण संख्या। सेमेस्टर या परीक्षा सत्र. अपना परिणाम देखने के लिए विवरण सबमिट करें। भविष्य के संदर्भ के लिए अपना परिणाम डाउनलोड या प्रिंट करें।

ITI Result Updates:

  1. NCVT ITI Results:
    • The National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) announces ITI results for both 1st-year and 2nd-year students across all states.
    • The results are usually available on the official NCVT MIS portal.
  2. SCVT ITI Results:
    • State Council for Vocational Training (SCVT) results are released for students who enrolled in state-specific ITI programs.
    • You can check the result on your state’s official ITI website.

Steps to Check Results Online:

  1. Visit the official ITI results portal:
    • For NCVT Results: NCVT MIS Portal.
    • For SCVT Results: Check your state’s ITI website (e.g., Maharashtra, UP, Bihar ITI portals).
  2. Navigate to the “Results” section.
  3. Enter your credentials:
    • Roll Number/Registration Number.
    • Semester or Exam Session.
  4. Submit the details to view your result.
  5. Download or print your result for future reference.

Key Details on the Result:

  • Student Name
  • Roll Number
  • Trade Name
  • Semester/Year
  • Marks Obtained
  • Qualifying Status (Pass/Fail)

For any discrepancies or issues, contact your respective ITI institute or state authority immediately.

Below are some of the state-wise official portals where students can checkOut:

StateOfficial Website
Uttar Pradeshhttps://www.scvtup.in
Tamil Naduhttps://www.tndte.gov.in

Let me know if you need state-specific ITI result information!


Q1: When will the ITI Result 2024 be declared?
The ITI result 2024 is expected to be released between July and August 2024.

Q2: Where can I check my ITI result?
You can check your result on the NCVT official portal or your state’s vocational training website.

Q3: Can I apply for revaluation?
Yes, candidates who are not satisfied with their marks can apply for re-evaluation within 15 days of the result declaration.

Q4: What is the minimum passing percentage in ITI exams?
The minimum passing percentage for ITI exams varies from trade to trade but is usually around 40-50%.

Q5: What can I do after passing ITI?
After passing ITI, you can either start working in the industry or continue your education by pursuing a diploma or an apprenticeship program.